MCCPRA is a Municipal Authority, supported by various revenue sources: taxpayer funds from Moultrie and Colquitt County residents, program fees, rental fees, and grants. A board of directors, which is made up of both Colquitt County and Moultrie representatives, manages the Authority. The Moultrie City Council and the Colquitt County Board of Commissioners are charged with selecting their representatives, who each serve one to three-year terms. The Board works closely with MCCPRA’s Executive Director, who is in charge of day-to-day operations, budgeting and manages the full-time staff. Anyone interested in serving on the MCCPRA Board should apply through the City Council or the County Commission, respectively.

Director: Maggie Davidson
Cole Posey, Board Chair (City of Moultrie Appointee)
Seth Berl, Board Member (Colquitt County Appointee)
Chris Hunnicutt, Board Member (Colquitt County Appointee)
Dorothy McCranie, Vice-Chair (City of Moultrie Appointee)
Bob Swadel, Board Member (City of Moultrie Appointee)
Brad Gregory, Secretary (Colquitt County Appointee)
Freddie Williams, Board Member (City of Moultrie Appointee)
Pete Dillard, City of Moultrie Ex-Officio
Chas Cannon, Colquitt County Ex-Officio